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old fashioned jar and bowl of homemade applesauce

Easy Homemade Applesauce

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This is one of the easiest recipes you can make with kids! It doesn’t take very long, its fun to mash stuff up and it is something most kids like to eat! Use this recipe to get the kids in the kitchen and used to turning fresh ingredients, like raw apples,  into something fun and yum!

Remember to click on each ingredient to find out some cool stuff about it and laugh at a corny joke!


  • 8 cups of diced apples (about 12 inch cubes; any non-green apples will work but we like McIntosh, Pink Lady, & Gala)
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • pinch of salt


  1. Peel and dice apples into 1-2 inch cubes, discard core and seeds.
  2. Put all ingredients in a large dutch oven pot, cover and cook for 20-30 minutes stirring occasionally until apples break down.
  3. Transfer cooked apples to a blender or food processor and blend until desired consistency.

Garnish with cinnamon and serve!


  • Apple seeds have tiny amounts of the poison, cyanide, in them. Not enough to hurt you if you accidentally eat a pip (a seed), but don’t give them to your pets!
  • It will seem like you need more water when you first start cooking the apple chunks. You don’t! You will be surprised how much water is already in apples and will come out as you cook them. You are basically cooking your apples in their own delicious apple juice!
  • Blend a lot for smooth applesauce and just pulse for chunkier applesauce. You can also use a hand masher which can be more fun, but more work too!
  • You can add almost anything to your applesauce to get a new flavor. Some fun things are cinnamon, cranberries, or ginger.
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