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apples with chocolate and caramel and sprinkles

Apple Nachos

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Apple Nachos are a fun easy way to spice up the regular old apple and kids love it! If you have time to slice an apple, you can make these!


  • 2 medium APPLES
  • Chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, sprinkles (any other toppings your kids will like such as crushed nuts, coconut flakes, granola, whipped cream etc.)


  1. This fun food works best if you core the apple, then slice it thin so you have apple circles with a hole.
  2. Cut apple circles half so you have “chips”.
  3. Arrange “apple chips” on a plate and top with chocolate sauce, caramel sauce & sprinkles (or whatever else you like!). Enjoy!


  • This fun food snack works great with smaller sweeter apples like Fiji or Gala (used here).
  • Thin slices are great here because you want your “chips” to be flat instead of wedges so the toppings don’t slip off.
  • Another idea is to have and “Apple Nachos” bar where kids can serve themselves the slices and then top with anything they like! Great fun for a playdate or party!
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
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