- The earliest evidence of carrots came from the area around Iran and Afghanistan around 3000 BC. They were originally grown as medicine, not food!
- Carrot seeds are so small that about 2000 seeds can fit in a teaspoon! That’s TINY!
- The heaviest carrot on record was more that 22 pounds and the longest carrot on record was more that 20 feet long! Those are BIG carrots!
- Carrots are made up of 88 percent water! The human body is only 60% water!
- The earliest known carrots were dark purple or white in color. Orange carrots, which are sweeter, came later. Now we can find carrots that are purple, red, white, yellow and orange!

LOOK, the carrots are hugging!!
- Carrots clean your teeth and mouth. They scrape off plaque and food particles just like toothbrushes or toothpaste.
- Carrots are the second most popular vegetable in the world after potatoes!
- Orange carrots get their bright color from beta carotene, an antioxidant that your body converts into vitamin A. Only 1 cup of carrots provides 100% of your daily recommended Vitamin A in-take!
- Eating only ONE medium carrot will give you the energy to walk ONE mile!
- Eating cooked carrots is better for you than eating raw carrots! Cooking releases the good-for-you beta-carotene. Eating carrots raw only gives you three percent of this substance, but when you heat them up they release closer to 40 percent.
Why did the carrot blush?
Because it saw the salad dressing!
How do vegetables defend themselves?
With Carrot-eee!!
Guys help I’m orange now in my skin
help 🥕